Thursday 7 June 2018


#1. A satellite moves in a circular orbit of radius 4R round the earth.The acceleration of the satellite in terms of g is

A. 4/g  B. g/4  C. g/16  D. 16/g 

Answer: The correct option is C.
More explanation here


In the diagram above, the direction of the force between N and S in the magnetic field is

A. NS    B.  SN    C. MP     D. PM

Answer: The correct option is A.
More explanation here

#3. Calculate the inductance of a coil of resistance 30Ω connected to a 100V a.c source if the coil draws an r.m.s current of 2A.

A. 1.25H    B. 2.50H    C.  0.60H    D.  0.04H

Answer: There is no correct option. We need to know the frequency in order to find the inductance from the information provided.

#4. What force has to be exerted on a mass of 60kg to give it an acceleration of 10m/s2 vertically upwards? [g=10ms-2].
A. 600N    B.  1200N    C. 400N    D.  300N

The correct option is B.

More explanation here


Friday 27 January 2017


Home Mathematics  Physics  Chemistry English
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Materials for UTME Candidates:
1-Basic Differentiation(PDF)